Thursday, December 18, 2014

  1. What are some alternatives to testing on animals? Can these alternatives to animal research achieve the same results?
            An alternative on testing animals is medications towards various diseases, and also such products are tested in order not to affect humans. The alternatives to animal research is different as it requires more observation and analysis compared to the experimentation done through testing.

Are animal rights activists helping or impeding their cause by vandalizing laboratories and research centers they accuse of conducting cruel experiments on animals?
      The animal rights activist are impeding their cause by vandalizing laboratories because they are affecting the animals within the laboratories, and by them accusing the labs this causes more harm instead of closing them down as they research in further depth.
  1. What are advantages and disadvantages of toxicity testing on laboratory animals?
                                  The advantages in toxicity testing is the humans won't become affected and that is because humans have the same reactions as animals, the disadvantages are that animals are affected and can die due to the outcome of the testing.
  1. How have animal rights groups such as PETA impacted regulations and standards of governments and companies regarding the humane treatment of animals?
               The animal rights such as PETA impacted regulations as they are trying to work towards the ban of animal testing due to the outcome it has on animals, and the government of the united kingdom gets involved in order for there to be a stop towards such crucial treatment to animals. The companies regarding the human treatment of animals don't approve of the animal testing as they have rights just like human beings do.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Domestic abuse
  1. How can the use of cell phones contribute to dating violence and harassment?
              The use of cell phones contribute to violence and harassment because many men can control a woman or vice versa into doing something in which they can be in the wrong places, and also cause them internal harm which can lead to a suicide or to getting beat by one another as there isn't much bravery occurring as many partners don't stand up.
  1. Why do some girls stay in abusive relationships?
               Girls stay in abusive relationship because they are afraid to speak up because they are afraid there life is at danger if they where to be bold enough and become better, and they don't see a reason to get out of the relationship for the reason that they can be dumped as they supposebly like there partner.
  1. What can be done to educate teens and their parents about the warning signs of dating violence?\
              In order to educate teens and their parents about the warning of dating violence is to see that if they where to seek out for help they can be heard equally as a person has equal rights, and also they can show representation and see beyond the abusive relationship and look for something healthier such as family which can mean a high source of value to people.
  1. Do you think the prevalence of sexual content in the media contributes to dating violence? Why or why not?
                  When many people see violence on media they see it as tolerate if a famous person is doing it and not much punishment is given, and people can look upon that certain person in the media. And many people cause dating violence as it can be seen within the family, and they have been abused in there household which has caused impact.

  1. Do sweatshops advance economic stability in third world nations?
          Sweatshops advance economic stability in third world nations as there are people whom re working, and stated in the article any wage revived is better than no pay due to the families living within extreme poverty. And people are helping out thirld world nations as they purchase items made in sweat shops, rather than not buying as the people working aren't getting paid due to a low demand on goods. 
  1. Are sweatshops a violation of human rights?
        Sweatshops are a violation of rights as it prohibits many children from having an education and being able to proceed ahead rather than if they had an education as they can escape levels of poverty, and the workers are being exploited and there rights are not taken into consideration as they speak on behalf of there working condition as they will get fired.
  1. Does the availability of cheap products outweigh the use of sweatshop labor? Why or why not?
         The availability doesn't outweigh the use of sweatshop labors because the workers would be paid lower as there isn't much income to the companies, and also there will be worse terrible conditions in which they work in due to the income as the companies don't care on the workers rights and health.
  1. Are there ways in which socially responsible labor practices can strengthen multinational firms?
        There are may ways in which socially responsible practices can strengthen multinational firms which is by having better living wages,and a healthier environment for the workers as they are the main reason there is a vast amount of products at the hand of retailers. Also by allowing employees rights to speak, and ask for something towards work they should be given what is asked for as they are human beings with feelings whom need to be treated with respect as one would love to be treated.
  1. Explain what critics of sweatshops are referring to when they charge global corporations with causing a "race to the bottom" in their search for lower production costs?
                 When they state global corporations are causing a race to the bottom in search for lower production cost is that there isn't sufficient wage in order for that certain race to progress, as the companies look for where there will be less pay to workers in order to make them do the same job as there is done by the workers whom make more.

  1. Is assimilation necessary for achieving national unity?
         Assimilation is necessary in order to be able to connect with others and not feel left out, and be able to communicate as they assimilate to the english language, and the foods as there is much limitations at times on what to find to eat if there already accustom to there old eating habits. National unity is needed in order to make the country feel more of a homeland, and protect where we live in order to enforce more stronger policies on diversity.

  1. How important is it for immigrants to blend into American culture?
       In order for immigrants to blend into American Culture there is a need to progress, because one can become stuck as they don't understand much of what occurs within a country they will live for many years. As it can be impossible to live within a country without the blend into a culture, and that is because they have left there country to progress and in order to progress there needs to be a blend in culture.
  1. Which is a better model for reducing prejudice: assimilation or multiculturalism? 
        In order to receive a better model of prejudice there needs to be multiculturalism as the article states that the cultural identities are of a high value within society, and the reason is because it adds value within its society.
  1. Should schools have language programs that emphasize assimilation or the promotion of ethnic identities?
             Schools should have a promotion of ethnic identities in order for the children to know what shapes them as a person themselves, and there nationality background which is important as it isn't to be forgotten within there society. Also because many children believe that in a country there in that is what they are, but the significance is who they really are ethnicity wise.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

-Immigration is an important topic because there should be illegal Mexicans allowed within the United States whom aren't relying on the country and receiving support, also they shouldn't be at risk of becoming deported as they are trying to escape there situation in there hometown which is usually poverty.
-sweat shops as many people are getting paid wages that shouldn't be allowed, as companies are asking for a lot of money for there workers to be paid very little.
What cases can be made for or against X?
-The cases that can be made for Abortion is that it should be allowed because there are many reasons to why women's become pregnant such as one being rapped, and also sometimes there at a young age and don't want to deal with the child even though they knew the outcome of there sexual intercourse. A case against abortion is the lives of many children are being taken away for the irresponsibility of there elders who knew that what they where doing wasn't very mature, also women need to make a smarter choice as they do this because it shouldn't be tolerated due to the reason that they should have had sex as they hurt many innocent lives that can live a healthy life with good parenting skills such as many aren't but need to become protected.

-  The cases that can be made for animal rights is that animals deserve the right to live a great life, without there owners being abusive towards them and treating them very harsh without a meal to enjoy a day. The animals also are encouraged to be treated with kindness as there owners would like to be treated in order for there pets to live happily, and without the need to go into an animal shelter because that is very harsh towards animals to be crammed into tiny spaces without a great amount if food. The cases made against animal rights is that many people believe they can use animals for testing products such as soap in order to distinguish people will have an allergic reaction, and also people believe it is right to have dogs fight as they don't have rights that is because they can see if there dogs are tough enough to have and survive the fights.

- The cases that can be made against is domestic violence is that it is an important topic because no body should get abused either by there friend or as a married couple, also this shouldn't be allowed as we all deserve the right to be free without the worry of getting beat. The cases for domestic violence is that sometimes people deserve to be hit because of the reason they start problems, and how annoying they can be especially if they start many reasons on why they can be fighting.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

3) Potential research topics Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.
-Abortion is an important topic as many women are dumb for having an abortion if they where having a sexual intercourse on purpose with a man, and had become pregnant the child should have to suffer with getting there life taken away.
-Animal Rights is important because there is much abuse occurring, and many dogs are going through hunger because of the lack of responsibility their dog owners have towards them. Also it is important to make dogs have rights because many are put into shelters which shouldn't be tolerated because why have a pet when you would wind up giving it away, a dog can't speak but they shouldn't be treated a certain way.
-Domestic Violence is a very important topic because no body should get abused either by there friend or as a married couple, also this shouldn't be allowed as we all deserve the right to be free without the worry of getting beat. Which is popular in violent men whom beat there wife at home, and that intimidates there wife to speak up and state what is occurring with her.
-Immigration is an important topic because there should be illegal Mexicans allowed within the United States whom aren't relying on the country and receiving support, also they shouldn't be at risk of becoming deported as they are trying to escape there situation in there hometown which is usually poverty.
-sweat shops as many people are getting paid wages that shouldn't be allowed, as companies are asking for a lot of money for there workers to be paid very little.

 What "ticks you off"?
Make a list of four or five things that "tick you off." Explain why. (Choose significant things that others might experience as well. For instance, your little brother might tick you off, but there is little chance that this annoyance will yield a possible paper topic). It is possible that one of these annoyances can be transformed into an interesting, engaging, and researchable project.

    -The main thing that ticks me off is having much school work on one particular day, and that is because many subjects could give us homework and we are to complete it for the next day in order to receive credit as it takes up much social time even though we learned the work in class already.
- Another thing  that ticks me off is people with smart mouths as they sometimes talk more than what they are supposed too, and this causes me to get aggravated because we aren't able to act on them as a matter of respect and because mature.
- Also people whom make green card jokes and Mexican jokes ticks me off the most as I know that I am able to be within the United States without the worry of getting deported, this makes me want to bop people in the head as they are making false accusations and make no sense as they state incorrect rumors.
- When people see minorities they automatically think of unsuccessful people due to many teens becoming drop outs, which sets a bad example for a person whom is really striving for success but the critics don't notice that as they don't take time out of there hands and focus on who actually wants to continue with an education rather than rely on statistics. Also we minorities on behalf of Mexicans are hard workers even without the achievement of a degree, and some are roaming in the streets which causes a bad view on the rest whom battle against criticism everyday but really are striving for a better future for ourselves or for our kids which parents rely on.
 Potential research topicsChoose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.

Prewriting QuestionWhat cases can be made for or against X?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

  1. What did wiki software allow Web users to do that the Mosaic browser did not? The wiki software allowed web users edit pages, and a collaboration on the web. Also at the beginning there was a lot of users who began to gain interest in a published content. And the reason for that is to be able to use the web and be able to have the opportunity to edit a specific web they choose to.
  1. What do blogs and wikis have in common?
    The common ability is to have a collaboration in being able to update many web pages, as well as writing mainly on the website rather than trying to edit the page. This was very common as many people had felt the need to make correction on a web post, and they had the ability to do so through blogs and wikis.
What problem did a young Jimmy Wales find with the World Book Encyclopedia?
 The problem Jimmy Wales found with the World Book Encyclopedia was he was finding hardship to understand it then he was able to little by little, and then Jimmy started to love it. Also there was many things that where occurring but not mentioned within the encyclopedia, which had made Jimmy so interested in starting something.
  1. How was Jimmy Wales inspired by the World Book Encyclopedia to create Wikipedia?
  2.   As Jimmy Wales had loved the Encyclopedia and had began to gain a lot of interest he decided to create his own nupedia, which would be completed by volunteers that mean't it was freely viewed by the public.
  3. How have encyclopedias inspired you in your own life?
  4.    An encyclopedia has inspired me in my own life by using it when I am looking up a certain information based on a subject,  and there is an ability to see many subjects as I most like.

  5. Why did Nupedia fail?
  1. Nupedia had failed as the process in the making was very slow, and it caused for only a dozen of encyclopedias to be published. This is considered a fail as much work was put but took a long time, also as a result of many copies in draft affected the progress in Nupedia. 
  2. How did wiki software change the ideas behind Nupedia?
  3.    The wiki software changed the ideas behind Nupedia as it was a lead into Wikipedia, as there was a combination of ideas gathered into one it had been a great creation. But as a result of this there was a dispute on whom was to get more credit for what had been done collaboratively.

  1. What is “crowdsourcing?”
  2.  Crowdsourcing is the ideas being derived from a big group of people that had an impact based on what was the topic on.
  3. What do you think about the concept of “any fool in the world” being able to write articles for Wikipedia?
  4.     I totally disagree with the idea of any fool in the world being able to write articles for wikipedia, and the reason for my disagreement is because they aren't knowledgeable enough to have factual evidence on wikipedia. Also since many people use it they are at risk of obtaining a wrong/false information as they believe what is posted on wikipedia.
  5. Do agree with the idea that “total idiots” could edit Wikipedia and of that being a good thing? Explain.
  6.    I in fact don't agree that total idiots can edit a wikipedia, and that is because there lack of knowledge is really high as they don't have any sort of intelligence occurring within themselves.
  7. Why do you think Wikipedia grew so fast and became so popular in such a short amount of time?
  8.    The reason Wikipedia grew so fast was because it had a collaboration of tools which lead to people edit the ideas they believed where false , and try to make them correct and as a result of that many people relied on it as there source of attaining knowledge on a certain idea or topic.
  9. Do you believe Sanger’s elitist attitude was a good thing or a bad thing for Wikipedia?
  10.   As a result of Sangers elitist attitude it was a good thing in order to be able improve the works of wikipedia, as it was able to resolve the many problems being had on Nupedia. Also it was factual as he stated that later on no one would be interested in the editing of the page.
  11. What did you learn from the anecdote about the Wikipedia article on Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935?
  12.   I learned that the story of Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935 was a false statement/story being told, and there was beliefs of proofs put up on many Albanian websites to improve the false story but it was untrue that had never occurred with Einstein trying to flee from the nazis.
  13. Explain this quote from the article: “I can’t imagine who could have written such detailed guidelines other than a bunch of people working together...It’s common in Wikipedia that we’ll come to a solution that’s really well thought out because so many minds have had a crack at improving it.”
  14.   This quote means that through a collaborative team there are many interesting and factual articles within wiki, and with the help of people it is able to improve because it isn't a very hard thing with many people putting there effort to improve an article.
  15. The author of the article states that Wikipedia “grew organically.” What does he mean by that?
  16.   The statement of wikipedia growing organically was that without the help of additional supplements which is companies or people it was able to become very popular, and with the work of volunteers they where able to succeed in creating wikipedia to become popular.
  17. How has Wikipedia “been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history?” 
  18.   Wikipedia has been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history through the ideas of Sangers and Walles whom has improved Nupedia in order to experience a new idea, and there has been a very vast popularity due to the articles being published. Also another factor is the communities have worked together in order to make Wikipedia a better project, an also producing articles.
  19. Based on your own opinion and experience with Wikipedia, do you agree with the above statement or disagree with it? Explain.
  20.   I believe that Wikipedia has had an impact in a majority of the humans alive life because many people use it in order to complete something such as if when one is in doubt based a certain topic there is a result with a lot of information, such as looking up a person it would state what they are known for and there successes in life.
  21. What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?”
  22.  The author means that there is a work of people combining to make an article and the people colliding with great reasons to add on an article symbolizes a crack, also wiki crack is an impact is has had on ones life that it has resulted in an injury as many base there answers on it.
  23. Based on the article, do you believe Wikipedia is a reliable source of information?
  24.  I believe Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information and the reason for that is because there can be much disagreement with the people whom are actually writing the articles, and can cause people who use wiki to obtain false information rather than it being correct.
  25. Do you believe its possible for a 16-year-old from New Jersey to write “insightful” Wikipedia articles?
  26.  It doesn't matter where in the world a 16 year old is residing in they aren't about to write insightful articles on wiki and that is because they don't have as much knowledge as other adults have whom share there info on wiki, and also a teen may sometimes write within there opinion and make it seem like its factual.
  27. How do you feel about basing your own research on something a 16-year-old wrote on Wikipedia?
  28.   I believe it is inappropriate to base our research on a 16 year old due to the lack of intelligence one has at the age, they may be smart but they haven't obtained a degree which can actually prove they are able to do a great job as stated.
  29. What does Jimmy Wales mean by this mission statement: “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge?”
  30.   This means Jimmy Wales refers to the wiki crack as many ideas are gathered to be established onto a wiki, and many people in the world is to rely on wiki as it has been created by many people not just one. This means that the articles are "true" and credible to acknowledge about what is the article on.
  31. Do you agree or disagree with this mission statement?
  32.  I may have disagree before but agree as Wikipedia has many mins gathered into an article which can be very elaborative and helpful, that many people in the world is able to use as a part of there life.
  33. Do you think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission?
  34.  I believe wikipedia has succeeded in its mission which was to improve Nupedia and dub it once this project was established, as the mission was to make improvements and allow many people to use it and be filled in with many missing information within the encyclopedia.
  35. Do you agree or disagree that ordinary people, people without degrees, can “be part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” 
  36.  There are some people who are just really smart who can actually be part of the process of distributing and creating knowledge but others may write there own opinions which may affect the result and purpose for what a wiki is for.
  37. Based on your reading of the article, would you yourself use Wikipedia for your academic research?
  38.  I would use wiki as it seems like a credible/intelligent source of knowledge but also it can affect my work if the information isn't as correct as an actual news article pertaining to the same topic searched on wiki.
  39. Would you yourself like to write and/or edit Wikipedia articles in order to be “a part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” Why or why not?
  40. No because I don't want to have the responsibility of distributing my opinions, as my knowledge without a certain higher education isn't worth it because I my not know as much as others whom have a degree.
  41.   N

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

1) If you believe that all students should be Web literate, what is the best strategy for your school to prepare you with this skill? Explain.
    All students should be web literate, and the best strategy for our high school to be prepared for this is by taking the college research skills class, as many students in other schools don't have the opportunity to do so. This is a great chance to enhance knowledge and use it on further in life, possibly within our career.
2) What skills should all teachers have to be Web literate? Explain.

     The teachers should be web literate in credibility, and navigation as many teacher navigate every day in order to create an interesting lesson for there students. Also many teachers don't give the author of certain work/notes given to students credit, and that is highly important due to a copy right clause and they want there students to be able to reflect on there work. Also being web literate provides the teacher with much resources around the internet and other web sources, and this enhances more work being used rather than being limited of resources to use in class.

3) What role should school filtering play in your school district? Explain why schools should block or not block Web sites.

  There are sites which the school should filter but other sites are necessary to learn, and others can just harm there school work of being more interested with a certain web page if it was not to be filtered. In various occasions we need Youtube to enhance our learning, but since it is blocked we are restricted from using it such as watching videos of history such as liberty kids being a vague example of a learning video that can be watched school hours. Then it should be blocked because kids when given laptops to complete work can watch other videos which prohibits them from learning, an example is family guy as many students watch it and it is very funny but takes away learning time.

4) Do you believe the Internet is as big a transformer of culture as the printing press? Explain.
 Yes it is indeed as many people before believed that no one will actually use the internet, but at the moment that is incorrect as it is an important part of most of the populations life such as the completion of homework, reading emails, watching videos, getting more information and etc.The printing press caused an impact as it caused news to be spreader out, but the internet does way more as it gives many people a answer when searching something or the ability to find a long lost friend through Facebook.

5) If yes, what parts of our culture do you believe will be most affected? Explain.
   The parts of culture to be affected is acknowledging the fact that we as humans are to push ourselves to find the answers on our own through reading text with information, rather than searching it as the information can be false or true but it requires less of our knowledge and effort to be put into use.Also culture would be affected as we rely more on the internet, rather than actually reading such as news being virtually exposed and newspapers are not used by as many people who use CNN as a news report.
 27 questions  and answers because of the sub we had that day.

  • 1.What did wiki software allow Web users to do that the Mosaic browser did not?
  •  The wiki software allowed web users edit pages, and a collaboration on the web. Also at the beginning there was a lot of users who began to gain interest in a published content. And the reason for that is to be able to use the web and be able to have the opportunity to edit a specific web they choose to.
  • 2,What do blogs and wikis have in common?
  •   The common ability is to have a collaboration in being able to update many web pages, as well as writing mainly on the website rather than trying to edit the page. This was very common as many people had felt the need to make correction on a web post, and they had the ability to do so through blogs and wikis.
  • 3.What problem did a young Jimmy Wales find with the World Book Encyclopedia?

  • How was Jimmy Wales inspired by the World Book Encyclopedia to create Wikipedia?
  • How have encyclopedias inspired you in your own life?
  • Why did Nupedia fail?
  • How did wiki software change the ideas behind Nupedia?
  • What is “crowdsourcing?”
  • What do you think about the concept of “any fool in the world” being able to write articles for Wikipedia?
  • Do agree with the idea that “total idiots” could edit Wikipedia and of that being a good thing? Explain.
  • Why do you think Wikipedia grew so fast and became so popular in such a short amount of time?
  • Do you believe Sanger’s elitist attitude was a good thing or a bad thing for Wikipedia?
  • What did you learn from the anecdote about the Wikipedia article on Einstein going to Albania for a passport in 1935?
  • Explain this quote from the article: “I can’t imagine who could have written such detailed guidelines other than a bunch of people working together...It’s common in Wikipedia that we’ll come to a solution that’s really well thought out because so many minds have had a crack at improving it.”
  • The author of the article states that Wikipedia “grew organically.” What does he mean by that?
  • How has Wikipedia “been the greatest collaborative knowledge project in history?” 
  • Based on your own opinion and experience with Wikipedia, do you agree with the above statement or disagree with it? Explain.
  • What does the author mean by “wiki-crack?”
  • Based on the article, do you believe Wikipedia is a reliable source of information?
  • Do you believe its possible for a 16-year-old from New Jersey to write “insightful” Wikipedia articles?
  • How do you feel about basing your own research on something a 16-year-old wrote on Wikipedia?
  • What does Jimmy Wales mean by this mission statement: “Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge?”
  • Do you agree or disagree with this mission statement?
  • Do you think Wikipedia has succeeded in its mission?
  • Do you agree or disagree that ordinary people, people without degrees, can “be part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” 
  • Based on your reading of the article, would you yourself use Wikipedia for your academic research?

  • Would you yourself like to write and/or edit Wikipedia articles in order to be “a part of the process of creating and distributing knowledge?” Why or why not?

  • Thursday, October 2, 2014

    The subject I most enjoy reading about is non-fiction because I enjoy reading about real things, such as what has happened or what is occurring.
    My favorite hobby or past time is drawing, and hanging out with friends.
    If I won the lottery, I would use the money to pay off my college tuition, because then I won't worry about paying it and can attend no matter the price of the college.
    The type of volunteer activity I prefer is at a shelter, because I feel bad for the many innocent animals that live within the shelter and they need to happier.
    My favorite school subject has always been english, because there are many forms to express ones feelings rather than actions.
    If I ran the world, the first thing I would change would be the way certain people behave such as doing crimes, because there shouldn't be violence nor killings and robbings as a makes a country seem bad when most aren't it is the people living within.

    Tuesday, September 23, 2014