Monday, December 15, 2014

Domestic abuse
  1. How can the use of cell phones contribute to dating violence and harassment?
              The use of cell phones contribute to violence and harassment because many men can control a woman or vice versa into doing something in which they can be in the wrong places, and also cause them internal harm which can lead to a suicide or to getting beat by one another as there isn't much bravery occurring as many partners don't stand up.
  1. Why do some girls stay in abusive relationships?
               Girls stay in abusive relationship because they are afraid to speak up because they are afraid there life is at danger if they where to be bold enough and become better, and they don't see a reason to get out of the relationship for the reason that they can be dumped as they supposebly like there partner.
  1. What can be done to educate teens and their parents about the warning signs of dating violence?\
              In order to educate teens and their parents about the warning of dating violence is to see that if they where to seek out for help they can be heard equally as a person has equal rights, and also they can show representation and see beyond the abusive relationship and look for something healthier such as family which can mean a high source of value to people.
  1. Do you think the prevalence of sexual content in the media contributes to dating violence? Why or why not?
                  When many people see violence on media they see it as tolerate if a famous person is doing it and not much punishment is given, and people can look upon that certain person in the media. And many people cause dating violence as it can be seen within the family, and they have been abused in there household which has caused impact.

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