Monday, December 15, 2014

  1. Is assimilation necessary for achieving national unity?
         Assimilation is necessary in order to be able to connect with others and not feel left out, and be able to communicate as they assimilate to the english language, and the foods as there is much limitations at times on what to find to eat if there already accustom to there old eating habits. National unity is needed in order to make the country feel more of a homeland, and protect where we live in order to enforce more stronger policies on diversity.

  1. How important is it for immigrants to blend into American culture?
       In order for immigrants to blend into American Culture there is a need to progress, because one can become stuck as they don't understand much of what occurs within a country they will live for many years. As it can be impossible to live within a country without the blend into a culture, and that is because they have left there country to progress and in order to progress there needs to be a blend in culture.
  1. Which is a better model for reducing prejudice: assimilation or multiculturalism? 
        In order to receive a better model of prejudice there needs to be multiculturalism as the article states that the cultural identities are of a high value within society, and the reason is because it adds value within its society.
  1. Should schools have language programs that emphasize assimilation or the promotion of ethnic identities?
             Schools should have a promotion of ethnic identities in order for the children to know what shapes them as a person themselves, and there nationality background which is important as it isn't to be forgotten within there society. Also because many children believe that in a country there in that is what they are, but the significance is who they really are ethnicity wise.

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