Thursday, November 20, 2014

3) Potential research topics Choose five topics that you think are potential research topics for your paper and briefly (in 2 to 5 sentences) explain why these topics are of interest to you.
-Abortion is an important topic as many women are dumb for having an abortion if they where having a sexual intercourse on purpose with a man, and had become pregnant the child should have to suffer with getting there life taken away.
-Animal Rights is important because there is much abuse occurring, and many dogs are going through hunger because of the lack of responsibility their dog owners have towards them. Also it is important to make dogs have rights because many are put into shelters which shouldn't be tolerated because why have a pet when you would wind up giving it away, a dog can't speak but they shouldn't be treated a certain way.
-Domestic Violence is a very important topic because no body should get abused either by there friend or as a married couple, also this shouldn't be allowed as we all deserve the right to be free without the worry of getting beat. Which is popular in violent men whom beat there wife at home, and that intimidates there wife to speak up and state what is occurring with her.
-Immigration is an important topic because there should be illegal Mexicans allowed within the United States whom aren't relying on the country and receiving support, also they shouldn't be at risk of becoming deported as they are trying to escape there situation in there hometown which is usually poverty.
-sweat shops as many people are getting paid wages that shouldn't be allowed, as companies are asking for a lot of money for there workers to be paid very little.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, Jonathan. Just watch your writing. It was a little sloppy.
