Thursday, October 2, 2014

The subject I most enjoy reading about is non-fiction because I enjoy reading about real things, such as what has happened or what is occurring.
My favorite hobby or past time is drawing, and hanging out with friends.
If I won the lottery, I would use the money to pay off my college tuition, because then I won't worry about paying it and can attend no matter the price of the college.
The type of volunteer activity I prefer is at a shelter, because I feel bad for the many innocent animals that live within the shelter and they need to happier.
My favorite school subject has always been english, because there are many forms to express ones feelings rather than actions.
If I ran the world, the first thing I would change would be the way certain people behave such as doing crimes, because there shouldn't be violence nor killings and robbings as a makes a country seem bad when most aren't it is the people living within.

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